Monday, August 30, 2010


I've been talking a lot about my new water color Apple design lately...well, here's some other apples I did a long time ago in a very different style:

I found this out in the garage last oil pastel drawing I made long before kids, and not long before I was married, graduated college, and started teaching.  Yeah, I used to teach...briefly.  After college I subbed for a year and then got a full time position teaching 7th grade English.  I only lasted 5 weeks!   Every day I had been loosing ground in the classroom and loosing sleep at home, until the stress permeated every area of my life.  I had to leave, though was one of the hardest things I had ever done in my life (I had wanted to teach since 7th grade--it's hard to leave behind a dream).

So, everyone, as school starts this month, please  consider sending up a prayer for both our teachers and students as they start the school year. 

This was done with oil pastels.  I always loved how the apples on this came out, but disliked how the basket came out.  The bowl the apples were in (the real ones that inspired this) was red...I decided to try green for more contrast.  Didn't like how that looked so I somewhat unsuccessfully tried to cover the green with brown. All that reworking left it looking a little "meh" (IMHO). 

Then I was just starting to dabble in graphical programs.  Now, I think I might see what I can do with the on the computer to clean it up.   Is that cheating?  Or just using new tools to make art?

I'm linking up at...  

Ruby Tuesday and Redness Day and Take a Look Tuesday


  1. Love this picture! So beautiful! I don't think it needs any changes! I also taught for a couple of years. That didn't work out do to stress as well (mostly inflicted by administration, ugh!) I'll be praying for all of the teachers this year!

  2. Your apple painting is wonderful! You did a great job on it. I know how you feel about teaching...I went college to be a secondary ed teacher, got the degree, but after my student teaching I decided then and there that I'd never much stress.
    The Tattered Tassel

  3. I love your painting. I wish I had a drop of your talent. Whatever you do with it, I'm sure it will look great. BTW, 7th grade is a hard grade to start with. In my opinion the two hardest grades to teach are 1st and 7th.

  4. Love all the Red in this wonderful apple painting - you're so talented!
    What a great blog too -will be back to read through earlier posts…

    Happy Rednesday!

    Lola & Nora:)
    btw Vacation Over? Great Memories to share?!

  5. That is such a pretty picture. You are very talented-I wouldn't be able to do anything like that. I used to be a teacher in the school before I had kids and it is a stressful job. I guess I'm very lucky to be able to teach piano at home-the best of both worlds. Thanks for sharing your beautiful oil pastel painting.

  6. You are very talented, your artwork is charming. I love pastels!

    Sending you lots of hugs. My husband teaches elementary school and he comes home daily, worn down to a nubbins. Junior High has got to be exponentially much more stressful!

    Happy Rednesday,

  7. You do excellent work. Those apples look so real you could take a bite. Great talent and post.

  8. you are a very talented artist great work and realism in this picture

  9. As a teacher, I reallydo appreciate the sentiment of this post. It is a stressful job - and I sure do appreciate the families that pray for me and my kids. Your painting is beautiful. Hugs, Patti

  10. Great painting! You have a real talent. I don't think it's cheating with the computer.

  11. There is always something wonderful about stuff we made ourselves. You did a good job. It would be cute for a kitchen wall.
