Saturday, February 27, 2016

Shamrock Temporary Tattoo Giveaway (3/10)

Hidden in the recesses of my Zazzle shop are one of my "zanier" products...temporary tattoos.   They're sold by the sheet, which has a different amount depending on design.  I bought some with my Shamrock design last year, which my kids enjoyed trying out and sharing with their friends, but  I have a few left over so I thought I'd sharesome with you.  One person will win a set of four Shamrock of each of the sizes shown on the sheet below.   You can enter on the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this page.

Here's a picture of the tattoo in use...

They suggest cutting it as close to the tattoo design as possible,
which I didn't do the first time I used it, and learned why.  You can see why in this pic...

You have to baby these a bit.  If you want to use them for St. Patricks Day, I suggest using them the day of.  They start to peel at the edges after a day or so.


  1. SO cute and perfect for st pattie's day! I need this for the parade :)
    Southern Elle Style

    1. Thanks! Are you in a St. Patrick's Day parade? How fun!

  2. These are so cute! My nieces would love them. Thank you for the chance :)
