Thursday, October 28, 2010

Aloha Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday! Every Friday (well, ok, almost every Friday) I ask a simple question--nothing that requires a lengthy response.

I just reached over 100 followers on my blog, which I'm thrilled about (you'll see on my sidebar I'm having a blog party to celebrate). But I also know that clicking "follow" doesn't mean you actually "follow," and that you can follow many many ways without following through blogger or google connect. I do follow a lot of blogs through blogger, but I only check these occassionally. The blogs I visit the most I either have their URL memorized, or I put links to them on my sidebar, or on a "homepage" that is my start page when I open my browser.

So, here's my questions for you today.

  • When you really want to keep up with a blog, how do you follow them (bookmarking, google friend connect, making them your homepage, memorizing the URL)?

Please leave your answer in a comment below.  And, if you have a blog and would like to post your own question you can leave your link at and An Island Life and Auntie E.


  1. i follow them via gfc
    and a couple i email subscribe as well
    My Aloha Friday for you

  2. I put them in Google Reader or friend connect, many ways actually.

  3. I subscribe via email or use google reader.

  4. I will follow them through Goggle or FB. If they do not have them, I will add their link to my Favorites blogs Roll on My Blogs sidebar.

  5. i subscribe in email and gfc and some I follow on Facebook too

  6. GFC and there are a few that I subscribe to!

  7. I follow via GFC and subscribe.

  8. I follow on GFC and if you go in blogger it shows updated versions of their blogs.

    Some I sub by email.

    Some are on the wench list on my blog and I can see their updated blog when I'm on my blog.

    And then there is google reader. I'm trying to go over to google reader and less email.

  9. Defintiely by adding them to my RSS feeds in Google Reader. It's the only way to keep up with the blogs I want to follow.

  10. Bookmarks and regular visits.

    Have a great Friday!

  11. I just do follow with Good Friends Connect so they show up in my dashboard

  12. I follow a lot of blogs through GFC for giveaway entries but I don't read them all. For blogs that I read everyday, I subscribe to their emails so I get an email when they are updated.

    Here is my Aloha Friday post
